In the context of the Year of Brazil in France and France in Brazil, the French ambassador, Emmanuel Lenain, visited Fiocruz on Thursday (2/13) to further consolidate the partnership between the Foundation and the institutions of his country. While this collaboration is already long-standing in the areas of education and research, the idea now is to also advance in production and expand the mobility of researchers. In addition to meeting with president Mario Moreira and members of the Fiocruz Global Health Center (Cris/Fiocruz), Lenain honored Special Advisor to the Presidency Wilson Savino with the title of Knight of the National Order of Merit.
Ambassador Lenain was welcomed by president Mario Moreira (photo: Peter Ilicciev)
Lenain was accompanied by the Embassy's Deputy Counsellor for Cooperation and Cultural Action, Sophie Jacquel, and the Consulate's Press Officer, Claudia Braillard-Ceccaldi. In office since 2023, this was the ambassador's first visit to Fiocruz. He was received at the Yellow House, where he met with Moreira, as well as coordinator Pedro Burger and Advisor for Cooperation with Europe, Ilka Vilardo, both from Cris.
Strategic partnerships
The first Year of Brazil in France was celebrated in 2005 as a way of strengthening the relationship between the two countries. In 2009, it was the Year of France in Brazil. Twenty years later, the event is being held again, but with a new twist: this time it is taking place in both countries in the same year, celebrating 200 years of bilateral diplomatic relations and encouraging cooperation in various areas, including health.
At the meeting with the ambassador, Mario Moreira highlighted the importance of partnerships with French institutions in fields that today range from vaccines to immunology and Artificial Intelligence research. He highlighted, for example, the longevity of cooperation with the Pasteur Institute, with the creation of the Pasteur-Fiocruz Center for Immunology and Immunotherapy in Ceará as one of its most recent achievements, and the work with the Mérieux Foundation, which in the 1970s enabled the production of the meningococcal A vaccine during the meningitis epidemic. Today, a tripartite document between Fiocruz, Mérieux, and the Acre State Hospital Foundation (Fundhacre) establishes a cooperation protocol in the area of research, training, and qualification of SUS [Unified Health System] professionals, further strengthening diagnosis and epidemiological surveillance. Other plans, such as the joint development of vaccines and doctorates, look to the future and unite Fiocruz and institutions in France.
"This year will see a series of events celebrating this successful history of cooperation between Brazil and France. Our expectation is also to consolidate this agenda for the future and strengthen what we already have underway with several research institutions," Moreira said later at the ceremony where Savino was honored.
The ambassador pointed out that Fiocruz is France's main partner in the field of health science and technology. According to Lenain, many companies in his country are interested in collaborating with Brazil in the field of health. He mentioned a particular concern of the French
government with antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and noted that this is a field with potential for cooperation.
Lenain's visit also had another purpose: to award the title of Knight of the National Order of Merit, granted by the French government, to researcher Wilson Savino, in recognition of his contribution to science and Franco-Brazilian cooperation. The tribute took place during a meeting of the Decision-making Body, and was attended by members of the Thymus Research Laboratory of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (IOC/Fiocruz), which once was headed by the researcher.
Savino between the ambassador and the Fiocruz president: the researcher received the title of Knight of the National Order of Merit (photo: Peter Ilicciev)
The ambassador recalled the importance of Savino's research not only for immunology, but also for the history of scientific cooperation between France and Brazil, helping to create strong links between institutions in both countries. The researcher's connection began during his training, when he did part of his doctorate and post-doctorate in cellular immunology in Paris and continued in his professional life, fostering partnerships between Fiocruz and French institutions. "Through your work, you have not only strengthened our cooperation, but also allowed new paths to open up, new generations of researchers to emerge, and the foundations to be laid for future scientific advances. Today, France would like to express all its gratitude for these years of work, of commitment to scientific excellence," said Lenain.
While thanking him for the tribute, Savino recalled that, during the Year of Brazil in France in 2005, Fiocruz organized an exhibition on scientific cooperation between the two countries, which ended with the collaboration between the Thymus Research Laboratory and Necker Hospital in Paris. And that 2025 also marks the 125th anniversary of the Foundation and the 40th anniversary of the Laboratory.
"At a time when Fiocruz is developing an increasingly strong international relations policy, awarding the Knight of the National Order of Merit medal to a researcher from the Foundation, even though it is an individual honor, unequivocally demonstrates the recognition of our institution by the French government through its president, ambassador Emmanuel Lenain," said Savino. The special advisor to the president also recalled that he had studied practically all his life in Brazilian public institutions and that his research had been developed thanks to investment from government agencies and institutions.
Closing the ceremony, Mario Moreira highlighted Savino's generosity in sharing the tribute with the Thymus Research Laboratory team and his colleagues at the Foundation, and added: "Fiocruz today also feels honored having this Knight of the National Order of Merit awarded. Thank you very much, Savino. And congratulations!"