
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

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Fiocruz incorporates Yellow Fever course on The Global Health Network platform


Flávia Bueno (TGHN)


In 2019, Fiocruz and Oxford University signed an agreement to create a knowledge hub for the institution on The Global Health Network (TGHN) platform. Since then, Fiocruz has an international space aimed at promoting science through the dissemination of its actions, research, events, and courses.

The first Fiocruz course translated into English and adapted to the platform's global audience was "Transmission, surveillance, control, and prevention of Yellow Fever", which also has a Portuguese version. Developed by the Fiocruz Virtual Campus, in collaboration with the National Institute of Infectious Disease (INI-Fiocruz), the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO-Brazil) and the SUS Open University (UNA-SUS), it is aimed at health professionals working in basic healthcare facilities or similar services from around the world. Until September, over 500 people concluded the course.

The TGHN training center reached very expressive numbers until October 2020, which enhances the reach of Fiocruz courses. More than 300 thousand people from around 200 countries took the courses available on the website.

In 2021, a selection of Fiocruz courses will be available at TGHN, including the course on COVID-19, launched in April by the Fiocruz Virtual Campus.

Access the course here (available in English and Portuguese)

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