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Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

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Fiocruz and University College London establish cooperation




Casa de Oswaldo Cruz (COC / Fiocruz) and University College London (UCL), through the Health Humanities Centre, have signed a cooperation agreement that will foster teaching and research activities in transcultural histories of psychotherapies. One of the goals of the cooperation, with a three years duration, is to establish joint research on the topic in order to stimulate the history of psychotherapies between different countries, with emphasis on Brazil and the United Kingdom.

In addition, the cooperation aims to promote the exchange of senior researchers between the two institutions for teaching and research purposes. Students and professionals interested in the subject will also benefit, since the agreement promotes the holding of semiannual international events, seminars and conferences, as well as courses and mini-courses.

Cultural appropriations and the process of professionalization will be the main themes discussed in the scope of cooperation, which will take into account the different cultural contexts in contact with psychotherapeutic theories. Research results will be disclosed through the publication of articles, special issue and collection.

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