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Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

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Canadian Institutes of Health Research and Fiocruz consider developing partnership


André Costa (CCS)


The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, through the Fiocruz Global Health Center,  and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) held a meeting on December 14 at the Fiocruz Campus, in Rio de Janeiro, to evaluate a scientific partnership. The institutions consider developing collaborations in public health care. Areas considered to be priorities for future partnerships include the health of indigenous people, primary health care, infectious diseases, and healthy cities.

On the topic of the health indigenous peoples, common problems between the peoples of the two countries, including respiratory diseases, chemical dependency and suicide, were identified at the meeting. Researchers have stated that despite different colonization processes, there are many common challenges, and hence joint needs. The exchange of professionals and the encouragement of anthropological research in the health sector were some of the measures considered.

Both parties agreed that there is great potential for collaboration in the area of primary health care. Among the challenges identified by Fiocruz for the area of primary health care in Brazil are the lack of sanitation and violence in poor communities in large cities, in addition to tuberculosis. The possibility of exchanges in the area of family health was also exalted.

Regarding infectious diseases, Fiocruz pointed out that its production department can be included in the areas of collaboration, more specifically in the development of diagnostic reagents. Fiocruz has also shown availability for potential future collaborations in HIV/AIDS and antimicrobial resistance research.

In the area of healthy cities, the parties agreed that they should promote the exchange of information and data collection methods for geo-referenced analysis.

Suggestions for further steps include video-conferencing and the formulation of a cooperation program between CIHR and Fiocruz. 

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