
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

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Fiocruz's new virus collection will help develop vaccines and treatments




Fiocruz has taken a significant step by institutionally recognizing the Virus Collection of the Biodiversity and Health Biobank (CVBBS), which is made up of viral strains and will be augmented with material from various regions of the country. It became official this month, following approval by the Technical Chamber for Biological Collections (CTcol/Fiocruz) and the updating of Ordinance No. 14 of 2023. The material can be accessed by scholars and research and technological development institutions. Both the Foundation's internal investigations and those carried out with other partner institutions will benefit.

The collection will also help to strengthen surveillance and response to new pandemics, epidemics and outbreaks (Photo: Peter Ilicciev)


With the CVBBS, the Foundation's biological collections have expanded to 36. They fall into the categories of microbiological, zoological, botanical, histopathological and archaeopaleontological collections. The movement for the organization and institutional recognition of biological collections began in 2006 with the creation of Fiocruz's Permanent Forum for Biological Collections, which was later transformed into CTcol/Fiocruz by the Vice-Presidency of Research and Biological Collections (VPPCB/Fiocruz).

“The new collection will expand Fiocruz's capacity to respond to public health emergencies and strengthen the institution's position in global research networks,” says VPPCB/Fiocruz Vice President Maria de Lourdes Oliveira. Additionally, it will further promote national and international collaborations and significant scientific advances. This institutional recognition will also strengthen the role of the Biodiversity and Health Biobank (BBS-Fiocruz) in promoting biotechnological autonomy, helping the country to develop its own technologies and reduce foreign dependence in strategic health areas.

For the general manager of BBS-Fiocruz, Manuela da Silva, the CVBBS will play a crucial role in preserving viruses from different regions of the country. This facilitates the study of emerging and re-emerging viruses. "The collection will allow developing vaccines, diagnostics and treatments, as well as strengthen surveillance and the fight against new pandemics, epidemics and outbreaks," he noted.

The CVBBS evaluation process began in March this year and was completed in August. The analysis was carried out by a commission from CTcol/Fiocruz, made up of Aline da Silva Soares Souto, from VPPCB/Fiocruz, and Fabrício Souza Campos, from UFRGS. The collection is curated by Felipe Naveca, from Fiocruz Amazônia, the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (IOC/Fiocruz) and BBS-Fiocruz, and assistant curator Tiago Salles, also from BBS-Fiocruz. “The new collection provides valuable resources for research, biotechnological development and innovation in the health sector. It will also contribute to the training of professionals and activities to popularize science and health,” adds Naveca.

The Biodiversity and Health Biobank

BBS-Fiocruz was created in 2021, with funding from the Ministry of Health, as part of the strategies to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. Initially, it was called Fiocruz's COVID-19 Biobank, but in 2023 it was renamed the Biodiversity and Health Biobank and its purpose expanded. Since then, in addition to storing human biological materials and biodiversity (viruses) related to COVID-19, it has included the deposit of human biological materials related to other public health problems and emergencies and other viruses of taxonomic, epidemiological and biotechnological concern. For more information on accessing and using the Virus Collection, interested parties can contact the BBS-Fiocruz at (21) 2088-3860/3863 or by email at

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