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Pasteur Network elects Fiocruz president as regional representative for the Americas


Fiocruz News Agency


The Pasteur Network has announced the election of new regional representatives for the Americas, Africa, Asia-Pacific, and Euro-Mediterranean. Among the elected representatives is Mario Moreira, the president of Fiocruz. Alongside Carlos Bathhyany, from the Pasteur Institute in Montevideo, he will represent the Americas. The newly elected representatives will serve two-year terms and become part of the Board of Directors of the Association. The Pasteur Network is a scientific community comprised of over 30 institutions in 25 countries, to promote global health. Every two years, each region selects two representatives.

Mario Moreira is one of the representatives who will serve a two year-term (photo: Peter Ilicciev)

"It is with great satisfaction and a sense of responsibility that I receive the news that I will represent, alongside my colleague Carlos Bathhyany, the Pasteur Network of laboratories in the Americas region. The Pasteur Network represents a coalition of scientific and technological strengths capable of making a highly positive contribution to addressing global health challenges. This election signifies the acknowledgment of this network regarding the role of Fiocruz in strengthening scientific and technological partnerships, essential for dealing with the most complex health challenges in Brazil, our region, and the world", said Moreira.

In this election, where 100% of the members voted, the following regional representatives were chosen: Mario Moreira from Fiocruz and Carlos Bathhyany from the Pasteur Institute in Montevideo (Uruguay) for the Americas; Leo Poon from HKU - Pasteur Research Pole (Hong Kong) and Philippe Buchy from the Pasteur Institute of Laos in the Asia-Pacific; Christian Leonard from Sciensano (Belgium) and Abderrahmane Maaroufi from the Pasteur Institute of Morocco for Euro-Mediterranean; and in the African continent, Noël Tordo from the Pasteur Institute of Guinea. Africa has only one seat, as its second representative is the president of the Board of Directors, Amadou Sall.

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