
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

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Data de publicação: 19/06/2012 - 14:20
Data de publicação: 17/01/2019 - 14:52
Fernandes Figueira National Institute for Women, Children and Adolescents Health (IFF/Fiocruz) was visited in November by a group of 13 foreign midwives that wanted to learn more about the activities undertaken by each reference area of the institution, like the Breast Milk Bank (BLH-IFF) and the Pregnancy Care Center. This was the first trip to Brazil organized for foreign midwives as a response to the number of obstetric nurses in the United...
Data de publicação: 25/06/2012 - 10:43
Unit focused on education, research, service, technological development and extension in the health of women, children and adolescents. The Institute also operates in the areas of technological development in health, national and international cooperation and networks coordination such as the Brazilian Network and the Iberoamerican Program of Human Milk Banks, the Brazilian Neonatal Research Network, among others. Includes also the National...
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