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Fiocruz News

Bimonthly newsletter of the Fiocruz Global Health Center (Cris/Fiocruz)

November / 2021
Production of the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient for COVID-19 vaccines is ongoing and is now moving on to a new and important phase of the process. All the production process of the API includes 81 tests in Brazil and USA
The goal of the medicine, manufactured by the pharmaceutical company MSD, is to verify its efficiency to prevent the disease spread and transmission among people who have been exposed to the Sars-CoV-2
After a one-year break due to the restrictions caused by the pandemic, Fiocruz Antarctic Program launched its third expedition. The researcher’s preparation included a week of quarantine and tests anti-COVID-19
This Foundation unit was chosen due to the promising advancements in the technological development of an mRNA vaccine against COVID-19, currently in a pre-clinical stage
Two webinars - one from WHO and another from Fiocruz Global Health Center - celebrated the document’s tenth anniversary and evaluated the actions adopted since then
The initiative of Planetary Health Alliance, USP and UNDP is considered the first document of the global planetary health community to describe actions needed to achieve "the great transition"
António Sales and Nísia Trindade Lima discussed cooperation agreements that date back to the beginning of the 20th century and that has been renovated and expanded over the decades
There is a before and after COVID-19 in the way of thinking technology, says Paulo Gadelha, EFA 2030 coordinator
The Pharmaceutical Plant in Maputo is the result of the technology transfer mission and partnership with Farmanguinhos/Fiocruz
Ambassador Tebogo Montshome wants to identify areas of possible cooperation between her country and the Foundation
Large-scale deforestation of the Amazon forest associated with climate change will increase the risk of exposure to extreme heat. Such levels will be physiologically intolerable for the human body

Links relacionados:

Fiocruz International News
Bimonthly report of the Fiocruz Global Health Center (Cris/Fiocruz), edited by the Fiocruz Coordination of Social Communication

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