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Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

Início do conteúdo

Social Communication Coordination

Social Communication Coordination (CCS), linked to the Presidency of Fiocruz, is responsible for defining guidelines and centralizing the communication work of the institution. It operates in three axes: press and journalistic production, internal communication, institutional communication and formation of the public image of the Foundation. The communication centers, formed in different units of Fiocruz, working in an integrated way to the CCS. It is responsible for guide, articulate and accompany them with regard to the implementation and execution of communication strategies.

The purpose of CCS is to publicize the scientific and institutional work of the Foundation and to enforce what has been one of the indelible clauses of its policies: social control through continuous submission of accounts of public money that is applied to each square meter of Manguinhos and units throughout Brazil. In addition, CCS plays an important role in the consolidation of Fiocruz as an agency committed to the national public health policy. The press office service provided to the communication channel is centered in the CCS, which operates in coordination with the communication centers of the units of the Foundation.

CCS is responsible for editing and publication of the Revista de Manguinhos magazine, official channel of the Presidency of Fiocruz, and the Linha Direta bulletin, internal circulation, addressed to the Foundation's servers. The sector also produces the content posted by Web TV Fiocruz - and maintains the system active - and by Fiocruz News Agency, website dedicated to journalists seeking for task assignment and materials.

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