
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

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Health Diplomacy is the topic of a paper of Fiocruz researchers published in Oxford Virtual Encyclopedia




The role of health diplomacy in the political process of integration in Latin America and the Caribbean was the subject of a paper by Fiocruz researchers Paulo Buss and Sebatián Tobar, published on the April issue of the Oxford Research Encyclopedia on Global Public Health.

"While originally a mechanism for political and economic integration, health is now an important component of all the integration processes, with growing social, political, and economic importance in each country and in the region, currently integrating the most important regional and global negotiations", the paper states.

The authors explore the creation history of regional blocs in Latin America, such as Unasur, Mercosur, Caricom, the Andean Community and Celac, and how actions related to health diplomacy played a fundamental role in this integration process. Actions such as joint protection against epidemics, endemics and noncommunicable diseases, coordination of border health care and joint action on the international scene (particularly in multilateral forums of the UN system) are highlighted in this process.

The publication of the article reinforces the Foundation's prestige in global health and health diplomacy, developed by Fiocruz Global Health Center (CRIS), of which Buss is the coordinator.

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