
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

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Administration and Institutional Development

The Vice-presidency of Administration and Institutional Development (VPGDI) is responsible for coordinating the democratic system of governance of the organization to strategic management, through formulation of policies, programs and projects, and establishing viable mechanisms that promote institutional strengthening.

Among its activities, the departament is dedicated to create, develop and improve the innovative instruments of governance and management, seeking for continuous performance management with organizational growth and sustainability.

Its functional structure is composed of the Technical and Administrative Unit (Management Committee, Management Committee of Campus, Strategic Planning Committee and Human Resources Committee), the Management Coordination and Information Technology (CGTI), Coordination of Quality of Fiocruz (CQUAL), as well as by direct offices of Vice Presidence of Administration and Institucional Development (VPGDI).

Management System in Democratic and Participatory Governance of the organization, VPGDI has collegial consultative bodies that seek to support the decision making from the senior management of Fiocruz, among them are: the Group of Managers, the Technical Council of Management and Institutional Development the Forum for Planning, Management and Human Resources.

Among the collegiate it is highlighted the Technical Council of Management and Institutional Development, coordinated by the Vice-President, composed by members of the Executive Board, the managing vice-directors of Scientific and Technical Units and Support Unit and their management offices of the vice-presidencies of Fiocruz. Technical Council has a strategic role in the contribution of reflection on problems related to governance, management and infrastructure in Health, assuming a proactive position and monitoring of policies and projects in their areas of competence.

VPGDI assumes equally, the executive interlocution of the Presidency of Fiocruz for collaboration entities of management, which are: Cash Assistance of Instituto Oswaldo Cruz - Fiosaúde, the Social Security of Institute Oswaldo Cruz - Fioprev and the Foundation for Scientific and Technology Development in Health (Fiotec) institutions to support and develop utilities services in health for employees, their dependents and pensioners of Fiocruz, as well as for research projects and technological development in health interest of Fiocruz.

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