
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

Início do conteúdo

Institute of Scientific and Technological Communication and Information in Health (ICICT)

Unit that participates in the formulation, implementation and evaluation of public policies, develops strategies and performs actions of information and communication in science, technology and innovation in health, in order meet the social demands of the Unified Health System (SUS) and other governmental bodies.

Major services
- Library of Biomedical Sciences.
- Library of the Health of Women and Children.
- Library of Public Health.
- Fiocruz Libraries Network.
- Virtual Health Library
- Center for Technological Information and Communication in Health.
- Visual Communication Service.
- Stricto Sensu Graduation course: Masters and doctorate in information and communication in health (PPGICS).
- Lato Sensu Graduation course: communication and health and science and technology information in health.
- Updating, extension and training courses.
- Develops and manages services and health information systems (Monitorimi, Atlas Água Brasil, Sinitox, Rede IberBLH, Proqualis, Portal Fiocruz, Intranet Fiocruz, Fiocruz Image Bank, Brazilian Clinical Trials Registry, Sig, ProAdess).
- Edits the Electronic Magazine of Communication, Information and Innovation in Health, bilingual journal of free access (
- Develops methodology for national public health research.
- Manages VideoSaúde Distribuidora of Fiocruz, producer and distributor of videos on public health.
- Under its aegis are still Fiocruz Video Seal, brand of audiovisual broadcast on public health and science and technology in healthcare, the Health and Media Observatory, the Observatory for Climate and Health, the Institutional Repository (Arca), the Observatory of Information Technology and Communication in Health Services and Systems (OTICs), Laboratory of Health Information - Reference Center of the Ministry of Health.

Libraries working hours
Monday to Friday from 8h to 17h except holidays.

(21) 3865-3131

Library of Biomedical Sciences.
Avenida Brasil 4.365 - Pavilion Haity Moussatché, Manguinhos – RJ, CEP 21.040-900 - Phone (21) 3865-3201 - Fax: (21) 2270-0914.
Internet: /

Library of the Women and Children Health.
Avenida Rui Barbosa 716, 2º andar, Flamengo Rio de Janeiro – RJ
CEP 22.250-020 – Phone (21) 2554-1749 / 1748

Library of Public Health.
Rua Leopoldo Bulhões 1.480 - Manguinhos – RJ
CEP 21.041-210 – Phone (21) 2598-2501 extensions 2504, 2669 and 2648 - Fax: (21) 2290-4925
Internet: /

Fiocruz Library Network.
Rua Leopoldo Bulhões 1.480 - Manguinhos – RJ, CEP 21.041-210
Phone (21) 2598-2501 extensions 2504, 2669 and 2648 - Fax: (21) 2290-4925

Lato sensu, updating, extension and training courses
Avenida Brasil 4036, 2º andar, Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Building expansion
Phone: (21) 3882-9033

VideoSaúde Distributor
Avenida Brasil 4.036, 5º andar, Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro – RJ
Phone: (21) 3882-9111

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