
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation an institution in the service of life

Início do conteúdo

Collegiate Orientation

Art with hands supporting a world

International activities that involve advising the Office of the President and the Board of Directors of FIOCRUZ are linked at two levels, both coordinated by Fiocruz Global Health Center: the first with representation of the Offices of the Vice-Presidents (GPI) and the second with participation by all of the Foundation’s technical, scientific, and administrative units (CTSI).

The International Programming Group (GPI) is dedicated to assisting negotiations with foreign institutions that may generate cooperative programs with participation by the Foundation’s institutes. The GPI can convene working groups, based on the thematic specificity of each vice-president’s office.

The objective of the Technical Chamber for International Cooperation (CTCI) is to formulate and evaluate policies and to link international activities by all the units, institutes, and Offices of the Vice-Presidents of FIOCRUZ, in addition to developing and monitoring activities and programs at the international level.

The collegiate instruments are privileged spaces for discussion of strategic guidelines for the Foundation’s international cooperation, including the exchange of experiences and synergies between the areas in their activities and programs with other countries.

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